Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A collection of Random Thoughts...

1. Driving trips are better when you have a mutual understanding with 1 or 2 other cars that you are racing. And then you all proceed to drive really fast....(not that I do it)
2. For someone who naturally can't sit still and who gets shaky occasionally, knowing how to do the robot really comes in handy (even while just sitting by the pool or in church)
3. Asking a waiter if you can give him a nickname sometimes leads to him telling you his life story...(Shout out to Bart at Iggy's Bar and Grill)
4. Long hair can be fun, but when it gets wet and you look like you have a nasty mullet, its gross.
5. Never ever take a big whiff of a scented candle labeled "Aquamarine." It will burn your nostrils.
6. A lot of guys pack more clothes than a lot of girls I know.
7. When you go on a double blind date with a friend and their answer to what did you think is, "It was fun hanging out with YOU tonight," it goes without saying that there won't be a second date.
8. For some reason, my inner thigh was more prone to sun burn than the rest of my body this past weekend....random

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