Sunday, January 8, 2012

Punch a celebrity in the face

Most of my posts come from situational humor. In this case, I would venture to say my post comes from situational loathing. There are certain "celebrities" that movie studios and television networks continue to give jobs to, but the world would be a lot better off if they just disappeared and were never seen nor heard form again. They are basically the celebrities you wish you could punch in the face if given the opportunity. Your list may differ from mine, and you may not agree with my entries, but that's because you are wrong. So without further ado, here is my list:
Queen Latifa
Miley Cyrus
Justin Bieber
Queen Latifa again
Leonardo Dicaprio
Paris Hilton
The entire Kardashian family, but specifically Kim Kardashian
Lindsey Lohan
And have I mentioned Queen Latifa?
I chose this picture because it follows my thought process, and has a cute picture of Emma Watson, my celebrity crush from 2011. There has been no celebrity crush of 2012 selected yet. 

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