I'm home sick from work and school today and with nothing really to do, and being completely doped up on cold medicine, I decided what better time to start typing out random stuff. Firstly I would like to address I love how my blog URL reads; THacker THoughT doT bloGspoT doT com. I capitalized the letters I like to place emphasis on. Originally I wanted to call it Thackers Thoughts or even just Thackers Thought, however, both were already taken (and unused I would like to point out.) But I am ok with it because the current one reads off in a more fun way. My other random thought of the day comes from the fact that often times I think of a joke or some action that in my head seems like it would be really awesome, but after trying it out it turns out to be completely lame. Example would be a few weeks ago I was at my church building putting away these big round tables. In my head I thought it would be way cool to run and jump with the table and ride it like a ferris wheel. It started out OK until I reached the peak of the ride and lost all momentum. I then stalled for a moment and then started to fall over while still on the table and almost landed on my roommate who felt the table scrape his shirt on the way down. So not only did my ride fail, but I almost squashed my roommate. Not to be defeated, I tried again and was successful in riding the table like a ferris wheel but it wasn't even that fun anyway. To make things easier I have made a very realistic drawing of what transpired:
Your diagram skills are elementary at best.